It’s not just adults that get hangry - babies get it too. However, it’s kinda hard to give a two-week-old a box of raisins to stop that food rage when you're on the move. I'm so glad that loads of you are pretty confident about breastfeeding in public, but for those who need a few tips, like I did, here’s my two-pence-worth.
The legal shiz
It’s illegal for anyone to ask a breastfeeding woman to leave a public place, such as a cafe, bus or trains. If anyone does comment, play this legal card…
Go one up, one down
Stick a vest top under a top. When your baby needs a feed, lift your top up & pull down your vest to create just enough space to feed them without revealing any flesh. Clever, huh?
The first time you want to breastfeed when you’re out & about, take someone with you so they can tell you if you’re flashing.
Consider a cover up
Using a scarf or my little mischief maker’s large muslin or swaddle gave me a bit more to drape and conceal with. Had I known there were actual breastfeeding cover ups, I would have been all over them. #firsttimeparent.
Sling your hook
Apparently you can also breastfeed while your baby is in a sling. Something to think about?
Rope in the reinforcements
The first time you want to breastfeed when you’re out & about, take someone with you. Your mum, other half, sister or BFF are great options. They’ve seen it all before, am I right?
Mirror, mirror…
An old lady told me I’d flashed when I was breastfeeding in public. So I took the advice of a mate who said to sit in front of the mirror and watch myself breastfeeding. Weird? Yes. Did it work? Absolutely.
I took the advice of a mate who told me to sit in front of the mirror & watch myself breastfeeding. Weird? Yes. Did it work? Absolutely.
Don’t settle for lingerie changing rooms & tiny knickers
One time, all the cafes seemed too busy for my under-confident self, so I ran into the closest shop possible, picked up a tiny pair of pants to ‘try on’ and set up feeding camp in the changing rooms. This is not necessary. My top tip - suss out that cafe and go with it.
You're doing the most important job in the world. Be proud.
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