6 Fun Things To Do In The Rain

6 Fun Things To Do In The Rain

Rain-induced cabin fever is a common condition. To save them climbing the walls (or scribbling on them), here are a few ideas for making the most of those cloudbursts. 

First though: prepare with the right kit: warm & waterproof. We sell a fab line-up of wellies and rainboots, many in 100% natural rubber or fleece-lined, for every age and taste, and also check out our range of coats and our collection of waterproof all-in-ones and separates. Then arm yourself with a hot drink in a flask. Put on a take-no-prisoners attitude. And let the fun begin! 

1. Jump in muddy puddles

So much fun they made an entire cartoon about it. All you need are little jumping people, some wellies and a muddy puddle. And wherever you are in the UK, we know you have both of those! Try some puddle hopscotch…

2.Take your bath toys on an adventure

Get a puddle, or pond (or get the paddling pool out again!) and take your bath toys outside. Fresh air is so good for kids - and they’ll suddenly be full of enthusiasm for bath time afterwards, too. Well… probably :)

3. Rain bouncing

One of our favourite games. Grab pots & pans and turn them upside down to see how high rain bounces. Or if they prefer, then just collect the rain instead. It’s never too early to start them on science projects!

4. Catching the rain

This is one that tiny tots are great at. Whether they are in the baby carrier, buggy, or toddling along - show them how to catch rain on their tongues & talk about the taste. It’s great for developing imaginations & conversation. (It can also help overcome that tiny tot fear of water in their face).

5. Go on a bear hunt

You need: imagination, warm clothes & snacks. Well, you could be out there for days. Get them in the mood with some bear snacks & toy camera, too?! Bears can be tricky to find in towns & cities, but you can do it.

6. Make mud pies

Mud pies never get boring for little ones. You don’t need to go searching for mud, either - you just know they’ll do that for you. This is one favourite that we like to do at Granny’s house :) Don’t judge us.

And most importantly.....get kitted out

Of course, to really embrace the rain you need the right kit; because being cold and damp is a real buzz kill. Browse our bright and cheery line-up of wellies and rainboots, many in 100% natural rubber or fleece-lined, for every age and taste, and also check out our range of coats and our collection of waterproof all-in-ones and separates

And remember, if you need advice on anything, our Live Chat Team is always here to help, from 9am to 5pm, weekdays. Just hit that purple button, bottom right.